In order to work with the mind, we need a practical knowledge of its structure and its functions, which allows us to classify our perception correctly, to direct the stream of thoughts and to derive conscious actions from it.
The individual human mind has the task of processing the signals of the body and the soul. It acts as a kind of filter for all our sensual experiences and for the impulses of the soul.
External events are perceived on both a physical and mental level. Every event has a meaning for the living cohesion of the body. The body expression reflects this event directly, for example in the posture or in the facial expressions. Situations that trigger fear in us or that are perceived as stressful leave us with a bent back. If we are satisfied and feel secure, we go through life straight and upright. Depending on what happens to us and how sensitive we are to changes in our environment, one of our senses is addressed.
The five senses that determine our physical perception are well known:
• smelling with the nose,
• seeing with the eyes
• hearing with the ears
• touching with the skin and
• taste with tongue, lips, mouth
In addition, we know senses that are more on the mental level, such as intuition. People with a dedicated practice of yoga or meditation become more sensitive to their surroundings over time and can develop subtle abilities.
All of the senses fulfill the common task of reporting the perception of an experienced situation to our mind. On a mental level it is then decided how this experience is to be assigned. Kundalini Yoga, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, assumes that feelings are triggered depending on the way we think, i.e. how our mind evaluates a situation.
Accordingly, the mind - under the influence of past experiences and our attitudes - selects a thought that fits the perception and evaluates the experienced situation.
As a result, a feeling or an emotion sets in: For example, we feel fear or joy, anger or pity. This in turn creates a physical reaction. For example, our breathing and blood pressure, as well as our posture, adapt automatically to our inner experience.
The body’s ability to adapt is controlled by the brain’s metabolism.
“The brain influences all bodily functions using the nervous and endocrine systems. ”